вторник, 20 августа 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
пятница, 16 августа 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
понедельник, 12 августа 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
среда, 07 августа 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
i can't
воскресенье, 04 августа 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
fandom Hemlock Grove 2013: 2 лвл - мини - G-PG-13
Часть 1
Часть 2
Сообщество для голосования на Фандомной битве-2013
Как голосовать
График выкладки работ
Часть 1
Часть 2
Сообщество для голосования на Фандомной битве-2013
Как голосовать
График выкладки работ
среда, 31 июля 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
fandom Hemlock Grove 2013: Level 2. Арт/клип/коллаж
Сообщество для голосования на Фандомной битве-2013
Как голосовать
Сообщество для голосования на Фандомной битве-2013
Как голосовать
суббота, 27 июля 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
пятница, 26 июля 2013
There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about
fandom Hemlock Grove 2013: Level 2. Драбблы G - PG-13
Сообщество для голосования на Фандомной битве-2013
Сообщество для голосования на Фандомной битве-2013
понедельник, 22 июля 2013
в слове «dreams» всегда звучит твоё тёплое имя. [c]
Надеюсь, сюда можно написать и напомнить. Если нет - запись удалю. Не знаю, какой тег поставить(
Софандомофцы, поддержите и проголосуйте за нас на ФБ, пожалуйста, ибо оно уже началось)
Первое место оценивается в 3 балла, второе - в 2, с третьего по десятое - в 1 балл.
Заменяете букву названием фандома (пример: 1. fandom Hemlock Grove 2013)
Название команды берете в списках поста голосования. Для того, чтобы ваш голос учли, нужно минимум три фандома.
URL записи
Софандомофцы, поддержите и проголосуйте за нас на ФБ, пожалуйста, ибо оно уже началось)
22.07.2013 в 14:33
Пишет Сентиментальный викинг:Первое место оценивается в 3 балла, второе - в 2, с третьего по десятое - в 1 балл.
Заменяете букву названием фандома (пример: 1. fandom Hemlock Grove 2013)
Название команды берете в списках поста голосования. Для того, чтобы ваш голос учли, нужно минимум три фандома.
URL записи
пятница, 19 июля 2013
Work in progress
Hemlock Grove получил 2 номинации на премию "Эмми": за музыкальную тему и спецэффекты.
Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music: Nathan Barr, Hemlock Grove
Outstanding Special Visual Effects: Hemlock Grove
Всего у Netflix 14 номинаций, с чем их и поздравляем![:wine:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1211.gif)
Вручение премий состоится 22 сентября 2013 года в Nokia Theatre в Лос-Анджелесе.
Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music: Nathan Barr, Hemlock Grove
Outstanding Special Visual Effects: Hemlock Grove
Всего у Netflix 14 номинаций, с чем их и поздравляем
Вручение премий состоится 22 сентября 2013 года в Nokia Theatre в Лос-Анджелесе.
четверг, 18 июля 2013
Work in progress
Брайн МакГриви, автор книги, сценарист и продюсер Hemlock Grove, в Стокгольме... ) Источник - Твиттер Брайана
И еще две фотографии из Стокгольма![:vict:](http://static.diary.ru/userdir/0/0/0/0/0000/12204117.gif)
И еще две фотографии из Стокгольма
вторник, 09 июля 2013
Work in progress
Еще слухи про второй сезон, источник тот же: Bill Skarsgard Sideblog
Pre-production stuff for Season 2 starts August 6 and filming begins in earnest at the start of October.
Подготовка к съемкам второго сезона стартует 6 августа, съемки - в начале октября.
Pre-production stuff for Season 2 starts August 6 and filming begins in earnest at the start of October.
Подготовка к съемкам второго сезона стартует 6 августа, съемки - в начале октября.
пятница, 05 июля 2013
Work in progress
Слухи про второй сезон, источник: Bill Skarsgard Sideblog
Hemlock Grove Season 2 News:
1) The end with the headstone and Christina screaming was a fake out and Freya Tingley aka “Christina Wendall" will not be back on Season 2 as it stands.
2) Emily Piggford aka “Ashley Valentine" will be back.
3) Filming for Season 2 will start very soon; again in and around Toronto.
Hemlock Grove Season 2 News:
1) The end with the headstone and Christina screaming was a fake out and Freya Tingley aka “Christina Wendall" will not be back on Season 2 as it stands.
2) Emily Piggford aka “Ashley Valentine" will be back.
3) Filming for Season 2 will start very soon; again in and around Toronto.
Work in progress
A violent and painful transformation visits the werewolf each full moon. Its human form is rejected by the monster that lives within, as it tears up the flesh and bones that it devours once the metamorphosis is completed. Werewolves are born by virtue of being the seventh son of the seventh son of a werewolf, but they can also come about by intent, when an individual drinks ritualistically from the paw print of a werewolf. Normally, the werewolf will only attack if it's hungry or provoked. However, the creature may sometimes fall to a mental and spiritual illness that turns it into a Vargulf, a true monster that kills for the sheer sake of killing.
While possessing many qualities of the vampire, the upir is a distinct creature. Their condition is not transmitted by bite, but rather inherited and consummated through suicide. They do not possess the traditional weaknesses of vampires -- neither garlic, silver nor sunlight can threaten them -- yet their strength and mesmerizing powers can leave them prone to hallucinations and mental disorders. While their lust for blood runs deep, they do not seek it for sustenance; their need is purely psychological. The upir are adept at hiding amongst us. Wrapped in seductive darkness, the glimmer in their eyes offeres a rare window into their true, frightening nature.
Tribal and nomadic, the gypsy is as close to family as they're attuned to magic, clairvoyance and all things supernatural. Nicolae Rumancek, a Kalderash Roma from the Carpathian region, came to Hemlock before Peter and his mother. While the town remains leery of their presence, several residents seek them when the unexplainable knocks on their door -- or when they need a little something to help them get by.
Angels are spiritual messengers or guides that serve as bridges between the human and divine or demonic realms. While Gabriel remains the most notable among the Abrahamic religions, these guides or "deliverers" have been represented with several names since antiquity. In some traditions, they are put on par with demons; in others, they're considered warriors for humanity. In essence neither purely good or evil, they are superhuman links between worlds.
Monstrous on the outside yet beautiful and sensitive on the inside, Shelly Godfrey is one of Hemlock's most enigmatic characters. Retrieved from the jaws of death after her birth, "Glowworm," as her savior Dr. Pryce calls her, glows through her translucent and hairless scalp whenever upset. Docile and mute, this Frankenstein from the Godfrey Institute for Biomedical Technologies cherishes philosophy and poetry. Her digital correspondence with her uncle Norman often borders on the poetic.
One of the oldest and widest spread images on Earth, the ouroboros depicts a snake or dragon eating its tail. Symbolizing rebirth and transformation, the image was used during the Crusades by the knights of the Order of the Dragon. Vlad Dracul of Wallachia, father to Dracula or "Son of the Dragon," is one of the order's most notable members. These ouroboros standard-bearers continue to live amongst us, cloaking their existence by whatever means necessary.
A violent and painful transformation visits the werewolf each full moon. Its human form is rejected by the monster that lives within, as it tears up the flesh and bones that it devours once the metamorphosis is completed. Werewolves are born by virtue of being the seventh son of the seventh son of a werewolf, but they can also come about by intent, when an individual drinks ritualistically from the paw print of a werewolf. Normally, the werewolf will only attack if it's hungry or provoked. However, the creature may sometimes fall to a mental and spiritual illness that turns it into a Vargulf, a true monster that kills for the sheer sake of killing.
While possessing many qualities of the vampire, the upir is a distinct creature. Their condition is not transmitted by bite, but rather inherited and consummated through suicide. They do not possess the traditional weaknesses of vampires -- neither garlic, silver nor sunlight can threaten them -- yet their strength and mesmerizing powers can leave them prone to hallucinations and mental disorders. While their lust for blood runs deep, they do not seek it for sustenance; their need is purely psychological. The upir are adept at hiding amongst us. Wrapped in seductive darkness, the glimmer in their eyes offeres a rare window into their true, frightening nature.
Tribal and nomadic, the gypsy is as close to family as they're attuned to magic, clairvoyance and all things supernatural. Nicolae Rumancek, a Kalderash Roma from the Carpathian region, came to Hemlock before Peter and his mother. While the town remains leery of their presence, several residents seek them when the unexplainable knocks on their door -- or when they need a little something to help them get by.
Angels are spiritual messengers or guides that serve as bridges between the human and divine or demonic realms. While Gabriel remains the most notable among the Abrahamic religions, these guides or "deliverers" have been represented with several names since antiquity. In some traditions, they are put on par with demons; in others, they're considered warriors for humanity. In essence neither purely good or evil, they are superhuman links between worlds.
Monstrous on the outside yet beautiful and sensitive on the inside, Shelly Godfrey is one of Hemlock's most enigmatic characters. Retrieved from the jaws of death after her birth, "Glowworm," as her savior Dr. Pryce calls her, glows through her translucent and hairless scalp whenever upset. Docile and mute, this Frankenstein from the Godfrey Institute for Biomedical Technologies cherishes philosophy and poetry. Her digital correspondence with her uncle Norman often borders on the poetic.
One of the oldest and widest spread images on Earth, the ouroboros depicts a snake or dragon eating its tail. Symbolizing rebirth and transformation, the image was used during the Crusades by the knights of the Order of the Dragon. Vlad Dracul of Wallachia, father to Dracula or "Son of the Dragon," is one of the order's most notable members. These ouroboros standard-bearers continue to live amongst us, cloaking their existence by whatever means necessary.